Summer is coming and we long to organize and facilitate summer memory making. We want our children to climb trees, hike, swim, and experience nature. It is our opportunity to stretch the imagination. The world becomes our summer classroom! Camps, libraries, museums, universities, and churches offer summer programs to provide hands-on-learning for youth all over the Northwest.
What can our summer look like? Here are some ideas and links.
HIKING & CAMPING: We know that we benefit by walking, but here is a great article about
hiking and brain research.
Do enjoy hiking?
OutThere Monthly has a scavenger/ treasure hunts for the whole family.
Washington Trails Association
Club Slow Motion (Found on FB)-This is an all women's hiking group. The hikes are well-paced. Most of the hikes range from 3-5 miles distances.
Idaho State, Montana, California, and Oregon State Parks: These websites are a great way to find a campsite. It also can be used to reserve an environmental center, yurt, and small cabin.
Just for Kids
Junior Ranger Program
Summer Camps
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture- The MAC Museum is offering art, science, and music camps for all ages. Programs include field trips, campouts, wilderness safety, geocache, kayaking, and more!
ArtFest is also a wonderful opportunity to play and create.
Camp Metamorphosis is a camp for 4th-6th graders. Whitworth University offers this camp through their Talented and Gifted Department.
Camp Opportunity is for grades 6-9. Camp Opportunity offers three different themes for the week. "Trek of the Techie, "Farm to Table," and "Explore the Great Outdoors." Students can choose one focus or try a little in all three class offerings.
Camp Spalding-Camp Spalding offers overnight camps for children and families. Camp Spalding's Family camp offers deluxe cabins and provides linens and amazing food. The staff takes the time to form relationships with the whole family. All activities are provided and organized. This provides a low-stress vacation.
Summer Camps or Programs for Children with Special Needs:
Joni and Friends
Camp Goodtimes- Resident camp designed for 7-17-year-old cancer patients and survivors
Very Special Camps
Camps for Kids with Special Needs
Sports: There are so many opportunities for youth to participate in summer sports camps. Trying to choose is the most difficult part.
Basketball-NBC Camps
Disc Golf-
PGA disc Golf Course Directory Map
Disc Golf Directory
Most libraries offer summer programs. Our local library has hosted educational music, drama, dance, science programs for young children. Do you have a child that has a library fine? Some libraries offer a fine forgiveness program.