Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Daily Individual Responsibilities vs. Family Jobs

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Homeschooler, Not Grade Specific - TeachersPayTeachers.com

COVID-19 has forced us to look at education in new ways.  I see educators across the nation who demonstrate creativity and innovation in the virtual classroom.  This is inspiring! Many school districts are finding that students who have a broad set of soft skills are very successful in an online environment. Soft skills do not appear overnight;; they are developed over time.  Our Zoom meetings are evolving and becoming lessons that help students; organize assignments, study strategies, and how to communicate with adults for extra support (virtual office hours, small group instruction, and more).

This summer, we are taking the time to look at individual responsibilities vs. family jobs.  Individual job responsibilities often appear on a job chart (teeth care, showering, cleaning a bedroom, etc.).  How do we help our children see that they are needed and belong to a community?  Asking our children to consider a family job each day may help with this process (just a start).  A family works together to accomplish good for the whole (making a meal, garden work, mowing the lawn, dusting, etc.)  Vacuuming our car is a "family job."  Our car is continuously used to transport athletes and musicians to all of our community.  Family jobs are done in a group.  Each person helps to accomplish the "family job" to ease the workload.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Online Learning

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Homeschooler, Not Grade Specific - TeachersPayTeachers.com

July 9th, 2020

COVID-19 has transformed the educational landscape.  Virtual learning is new to most educators. Online meetings, small group instruction, project-based assignments are new territory.  Students need many soft skills in order to be successful with online learning (responsibility, compromise, positive flexible attitude, teamwork, communication skills, leadership skills, decision making, and more). My goal is to share resources that will help educators in a virtual setting.  

1.  Zoom Communication Posters: These posters help students (grades K-5) with teachers.  Students hold up 8 1/2 x 11 posters to get the attention of the virtual host.  Poster link.

2. Online meetings need to have clear expectations.  Virtual learning is new to students and the expectations will need to be taught.  Below is a photo of an example expectation poster.  Managing your Zoom settings (mute participants, breakout groups, private chat) will also help you establish expectations in an online environment. 

Favorite Education Resources (Grades K-3)

We love simplicity! It seems that moms and dads are just looking for ways to encourage learning and play. So here are my favorite early childhood products, websites, and resources.

Character Education:

BOB Book Ideas

TumbleBooks-eBooks for Kids: Free through Spokane County Library

30 Flip Books-expensive (you could make your own kit)

Shape Rocket-App (free)

Sound Beginnings-App (free)

Reading A-Z: The online leveled reading program

Pairs in Pears


Zero to Three

Shape Puzzle

Shape Puzzle #2

Oreo Matchin' Middles Game

Little Hands Card Holder

Melissa and Doug Fishing for Numbers

Math Link Cubes


Go Fish Guys: Party Like a Preschooler


Social Studies:

The Who Was Show


Assessment Tools: 

P.A.S.S Test: This is a non-timed test.  A pretest is given to find the appropriate level test to administer. Specific recommendations are given in the generated report.  Contact: customerservice@hewittlearning.org

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